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My review for
Rated 5 out of
5 by
PK2409 from
I purchased this as I have had good experience with Maytag appliances. All of my other appliances are from Maytag. I have had not much opportunity to use the dryer so far but it has all the features I need.
Date published: 2025-03-27
Rated 5 out of
5 by
Frontier56 from
Dynamic DryerThis Maytag Dryer is a work horse. Easy to load and unload. Controls are well marked and instructions are well explained. Very pleased with this purchase. Our heads are still spinning with satisfaction with our purchase. You can’t go wrong with a Maytag dryer.
Date published: 2025-02-07
Rated 5 out of
5 by
Essexboyevan from
Efficient and quiet!I love this dryer! I have had others that are problematic with respect to the heat being either too hot, shutting off before the clothes are dry etc. etc. This machine senses perfectly!
I just can't seem to get the signal volume to a louder level. I have tried the instructions but to no avail. However, I still
give it an excellent rating in terms of the main function.
Date published: 2024-10-31
Rated 5 out of
5 by
Shaymack4 from
Beautiful upgrade!Such an upgrade from our last dryer I couldn’t be happier.
Date published: 2024-09-04
Rated 5 out of
5 by
Marem from
Good DrierOnly thing I found annoying was that there was no buzzer when your load was done. Have to use a separate timer if you want wrinkle free clothes.
Date published: 2024-08-28
Rated 5 out of
5 by
Super dry from
Very Fsst DryI am very happy with the dryer especially how fast it dries.
*Offer subject to change. Limit one use per order. Valid for bundles delivered to a single Canadian address. Bundle savings based on current pricing available from Only valid for new orders on See how we handle Returns.
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