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My review for
Rated 5 out of
5 by
Vahid from
Great pricePractical design , The design splits the fridge and freezer vertically, making it simple to keep everything organized.
The doors don’t need much room to swing open, Overall, it’s a practical, reliable option that makes everyday life a bit easier.
Date published: 2025-03-12
Rated 5 out of
5 by
FRG* from
Works great///quiet! Was easy to install, love the ice maker and would buy another one.
Date published: 2024-02-21
Rated 5 out of
5 by
supri from
Great!I bought this product and he product is too good .
Date published: 2024-01-22
Rated 5 out of
5 by
shiv69 from
Awesome product .....Glad that I bought!love this product.....its awesome.....................
Date published: 2023-10-04
Rated 4 out of
5 by
Puppychow from
We had problems with the ice maker from the start, Maytag was able to get the parts much faster than we thought and now it works great.
Date published: 2023-12-01
Rated 1 out of
5 by
Anonymous from
GarbageI bought this fridge a month ago and it's been nothing but problems it's garbage and I should get my money back but they won't do that . I should have bought a GE like I was going to in the first place this one was way too much money too with all the problems that come with it.. if I could give it no stars that's what I would do and I'd warn other people to stay away from whirlpool. Yours truly
*Offer subject to change. Limit one use per order. Valid for bundles delivered to a single Canadian address. Bundle savings based on current pricing available from Only valid for new orders on See how we handle Returns.
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